Association of Polish Knights of Malta UK
Urgent Aid to Ukraine 2022!
In view of the military attack by Russia on Ukraine and the ongoing hostilities against civilians and medical facilities, the Association of Polish Knights of Malta UK Charity and the Polish Maltese Medical Service in Poland are undertaking a programme of assistance to victims and refugees from Ukraine.
The programme will include, among other things, free medical support implemented in Ukraine through the Maltese structures present there, and if there are victims and those in need in Poland, the help will be provided on the spot.
For refugees from Ukraine, we are organising assistance in finding shelter in Poland, in Polish homes and parishes. The Polish Maltese Medical Service has trained paramedics in Ukraine for several years, organised and supported the transport of the injured from Maidan, trained the relevant civil services during the covid pandemic, and donated substantial amounts of hygiene and personal protection items.
We are asking all those who would like to support this initiative to donate to our account APKM UK, a UK registered Charity, via PayPal or directly to our Bank Account, please mention: Urgent Aid to Ukraine 2022!
All donation details are clearly mentioned on our website: Welcome to the Association of Polish Knights of Malta UK
Make a donation to APKM UK using PayPal
To make a donation using PayPal just enter the amount you would like to donate to APKM UK and click the red Donate button. Please note that due to PayPal transaction fees the minimum donation amount is £2. You will then be taken to PayPal to complete the transaction. APKM UK website holds no payment card details. |
![]() Thank you for your generous donation |
Direct transfers to our bank account at:
Lloyds TSB Bank Plc
Account No: 01267986
Sort Code: 30-92-01
Account Name: The Association of the Polish Knights of Malta (UK)
Association of Polish Knights of Malta UK
Pilna Maltańska pomoc dla Ukrainy 2022!
W związku z militarnym atakiem Rosji na Ukrainę, trwającymi działaniami wojennymi wymierzonymi również w ludność cywilną a także obiekty służby medycznej, Związek Polskich Kawalerów Maltańskich oraz działająca w jego strukturach Maltańska Służba Medyczna podejmują program pomocy poszkodowanym i uchodźcom z Ukrainy.
Program będzie obejmował, między innymi, bezpłatne wsparcie medyczne realizowane w Ukrainie za pośrednictwem maltańskich struktur tam obecnych, a w sytuacji pojawienia się poszkodowanych i potrzebujących w Polsce, pomoc będzie udzielana na miejscu.
Dla uchodźców z Ukrainy organizujemy pomoc w znalezieniu schronienia w Polsce, w polskich domach i parafiach. Maltańska Służba Medyczna przez kilka lat szkoliła ratowników medycznych w Ukrainie, organizowała i wspierała transport rannych z Majdanu, w czasie pandemii covid szkoliła odpowiednie służby cywilne oraz przekazała pomoc w postaci znacznej ilości środków higieny oraz ochrony osobistej.
Prosimy osoby, które chciałyby wesprzeć tę inicjatywę o wpłaty na nasze konto jako zarejestrowanej UK Charity poprzez PayPal lub bezposrednio do naszego konta bankowego z dopiskim: Pilna Maltańska pomoc dla Ukrainy 2022 lub Urgent Aid to Ukraine 2022!
Association of Polish Knights of Malta UK
Duchess of Kent receives decoration for her work in support of musically gifted children
The Association of the Polish Knights of Malta (APKM) UK has presented HRH The Duchess of Kent with its Pro Tuitio Fidei et Obsequium Pauperum gold medal, recognising her work as a music teacher and her contribution to a foundation that supports musically gifted children from low-income families.
The investiture ceremony took place on Monday, 25th October at the prestigious Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum in London.
Having developed a passion for music at a young age, the Duchess took up a position as a music teacher in a primary school in Hull in 1996 after more than 30 years of royal and family duties following her marriage to the Duke of Kent. She returned to the profession part-time in 2017.
She has served as president of the Royal Northern College of Music and as a director of the National Foundation for Youth Music and is a founder of Future Talent, a charity that helps young children with low-income backgrounds pursue a career in music. The medal she is receiving bears the name of the mission of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta “Tuitio Fidei et Obsequium Pauperum” (Defending the Faith and Humble Service of the Poor). The order is one of the oldest institutions of Western and Christian civilisation, established in 1113.
Dr Marek Stella-Sawicki, Chairman APKM UK, noted this is the first time a female member of the British Royal Family has been awarded a medal from an independent Polish charitable organisation. He also highlighted the shared understanding between the Duchess and APKM UK of the impact music can have on the lives of people.
“The Duchess makes it possible for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to develop their musical talents,” said Dr Stella-Sawicki. “APKM UK engages young people to bring music to the elderly, helping them fight loneliness and feelings of exclusion.”
Download: Investiture speech by APKMUK Chairman Dr Marek A. Stella-Sawicki MBE KM KCSG
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Investiture Ceremeny HRH The Duchess of Kent -November 2021. Produced by URBAN REC.